Tuesday 8 February 2011

The Renaissance

Josquin des Prez
In 1502, when Ercole d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, was considering two candidates (Heinrich Isaac and Josquin des Prez) for the job of maestro di cappella in the ducal chapel, one of his agents, Gian de Artiganova, wrote to inform the duke that in his (the agent’s) opinion:
Isaac seems well suited to serve your lordship, more so than Josquin, because he is more good natured and companionable, and will compose new works more often. It is true that Josquin composes better, but he composes when he wants to and not when one wants him to, and he is asking 200 ducats in salary while Isaac will come for 120 – but your lordship will decide.
The duke did; he employed Josquin.

(you have to download Spotify to access these files)
Song: L’homme armé (The armed man)
Johannes Ockeghem: Missa L’homme armé
Hymn: Pange Lingua
Josquin des Prez: Missa Pange Lingua
Josquin des Prez: Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae (Mass for Ercole, Duke of Ferrara)

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